Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Usually their are no specific signs or symptoms of early stage prostate cancer. This is why the need to get screened for this disease is extremely important. Yearly exams done by your doctor which include a DRE and PSA blood test are very important. More information on screening can be found by clicking here.Usually by the time some of the symptoms or signs are noticeable the disease might be in a later stage. Catching prostate cancer at the earliest possible time is the best way to ensure that treatment will work.

Most of the symptoms below can be caused by prostate cancer or by many other conditions either effecting the prostate or other anatomy in the same region. Be sure to consult with you doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms as soon as possible. Do not hesitate and don't panic, when we get older the prostate often enlarges a condition which is called benign prostatic hyperplasia. BPH is often more times than none not a life threatening condition an often causes the same symptoms as prostate cancer.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer and other conditions:
  • a urgent need to urinate, frequency of urination increases, especially during the night
  • difficulty initiating urination or holding back urination
  • a weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • pain or burning upon urination
  • difficulty in initiating an erection or keeping an erection, painful ejaculation
  • blood in the urine or semen
  • pain in the lower back, hips or upper thighs

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